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통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
20/02/12 14:11
Recovery : This is where a player recovers the ball in a situation where neither team has possession or where the ball has been played directly to him by an opponent, thus securing possession for their team. Interception : This is where a player reads an opponent’s pass and intercepts the ball by moving into the line of the intended pass. OPTA 기준은 요렇다네요.