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통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
17/07/04 10:02
EU vs NA가 리프트 라이벌즈의 핵심일 것 같아요. 사실 지역간 라이벌이라고 할만한 곳이 EU vs NA뿐이기도 하고.. 꿀잼 예상!
17/07/05 16:29
http://esports-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/production/files/rules/RR%20Ruleset%202017%20EUvsNA%201.00.pdf 6.3 Tiebreakers 6.3.2 1st tie-breaker: If two teams have the same amount of game wins at the end of the group stage the team which was able to acquire the most game wins against the 1st-placed team of the opposing region will advance to the Grand Final. This tie-breaker will only be applied if there is no tie for 1st-place in the opposing region. 6.3.3 2nd tie-breaker: If two teams have the same amount of game wins and the 1st tie-breaker does not resolve the tie, the following method will be applied to determine which team advances to the Grand Final: First, each regions’ teams will be assigned points according to their final standings. 3 points for the 1st-placed team (or teams, if they are tied). 2 points for the 2nd-placed team (or teams, if they are tied) and 1 point for the 3rd-placed team. If there are two teams tied for 1st place, then both of those teams will be assigned 3 points and the 3rd-placed team will be assigned 2 points. Then, each of the tied teams will be awarded points according to which teams from the opposing region they defeated. For example, if a team defeated the 1st-placed and the 2nd-placed team from the opposing region, that team will be awarded 5 points. After all the teams are awarded points accordingly, the team with the most points will advance to the Grand Final. 6.3.4 3rd tie-breaker: If two teams have the same amount of game wins and neither the 1st nor 2nd tie-breaker resolve the tie, then the tie will be broken by the teams’ Spring Split standings within their region. 규정에 따라 그 경우에는 각 지역의 스프링 스플릿 1위팀이 최종라운드로 올라가겠네요.
17/07/04 15:54
애초에 라이엇이 가장 원하는 매치일텐데 롤드컵에서는 다른 지역(특히 LCK)한테 다 맞고 다녀서 보기 힘드니 일부러 만든듯한...
보다 자극적인 게임 기대해 봅니다.
17/07/05 07:48
EU vs NA 나겜중계 프로모션 영상 있습니다. 그거부터 무지하게 자극적이에요 크크크크 보기만 해도 위장이 아파요.