Date |
2006/06/26 15:58:09 |
Name |
몽키매직 |
Subject |
몽키매직의 맵별 밸런스 랭킹 (2006.6.26.) |
개인리그 하나를 보내면서 3개월만에 다시 작업해보았습니다. 계산 방식은 이 게시판에서 제 아이디로 검색하시면 맨 첫글에서 보실 수 있습니다.
이번에 새롭게 815, 개척시대의 전적이 추가되었습니다. The Eye, Arcadia, 백두대간은 아직 경기수가 많지 않아 추가하지 못했습니다.
맵 밸런스 논란은 되도록이면 삼가주셨으면 합니다. 통계는 통계일 뿐이니 해석은 각자 융통성 있게 하시면 될 듯합니다.
* 수치와 밸런스는 역의 상관관계에 있습니다. 수치가 낮을수록 밸런스가 좋을 가능성이 높다는 뜻이죠.
1. Parallel lines 통합 - 15.2
2. 815 통합 - 15.6
3. Luna - 19.7
4. JR's memory 통합 - 24.0
5. Requiem - 28.4
6. Into the Darkness II - 32.8
7. Neo Bifrost - 34.4
8. Blade Storm 통합 - 35.1
9. Nostalgia - 35.6
10. Detonation - 36.2
11. Guillotine 통합 - 41.7
12. Rush Hour 통합 - 49.6
13. Bifrost 3 - 57.0
14. Into the Darkness - 63.2
15. R Point - 64.9
16. 개마고원 - 102
17. 남자이야기 - 117
18. Forte - 123
19. Plains to Hill(etc) - 126
20. Enter the Dragon 통합 - 128
21. Ride of Valkyries - 131
22. 신개마고원 - 145
23. Neo Requiem - 149
24. Detonation F - 155
25. Plains to Hill(D) - 159
26. Neo Forte - 161
27. Arizona - 164
28. Neo Forbidden Zone - 170
29. Mercury - 208
30. 개척시대 - 240
31. Alchemist - 308
32. Raid Assault 통합 - 384
33. Paradoxxx 통합 - 666
랭킹에 사용한 자료 (2006.6.26. UZOO.NET)
Parallelines 통합 (92전) - 15.2
T:Z - 15:22 (40.5:59.5)
Z:P - 11:16 (40.7:59.3)
P:T - 12:16 (42.9:57.1)
Terran = 40.5+57.1 = 97.6
Zerg = 59.5+40.7 = 100.2
Protoss = 59.3+42.9 = 102.2
815 통합 (132전) - 15.6
T:Z - 33:22 (60.0:40.0)
Z:P - 20:13 (60.6:39.4)
P:T - 27:17 (61.4:38.6)
Terran = 60.0+38.6 = 98.6
Zerg = 40.0+60.6 = 101.9
Protoss = 39.4+61.4 = 100.8
Luna (859전) - 19.7
T:Z - 198:184 (51.8:48.2)
Z:P - 130:112 (53.7:46.3)
P:T - 135:100 (57.4:42.6)
Terran = 51.8+42.6 = 94.4
Zerg = 53.7+48.2 = 101.9
Protoss = 46.3+57.4 = 103.7
JR's Memory 통합 (337전) - 24.0
T:Z - 72:65 (52.6:47.4)
Z:P - 57:42 (57.6:42.4)
P:T - 51:50 (50.5:49.5)
Terran = 52.6+49.5 = 102.1
Zerg = 47.4+57.6 = 105.0
Protoss = 42.4+50.5 = 92.9
Requiem (340전) - 28.4
T:Z - 91:70 (56.5:43.5)
Z:P - 50:32 (61.0:39.0)
P:T - 56:41 (57.7:42.3)
Terran = 56.5+42.3 = 98.8
Zerg = 43.5+61.0 = 104.5
Protoss = 39.0+57.7 = 96.7
Into The Darkness II (140전) - 32.8
T:Z - 28:28 (50.0:50.0)
Z:P - 21:23 (47.7:52.3)
P:T - 23:17 (57.5:42.5)
Terran = 50.0+42.5 = 92.5
Zerg = 50.0+47.7 = 97.7
Protoss = 52.3+57.5 = 109.8
Neo Bifrost (216전) - 34.4
T:Z - 53:42 (55.8:44.2)
Z:P - 35:31 (53.0:47.0)
P:T - 33:22 (60.0:40.0)
Terran = 55.8+40.0 = 95.8
Zerg = 44.2+53.0 = 97.2
Protoss = 47.0+60.0 = 107.0
Blade Storm 통합 (239전) - 35.1
T:Z - 60:49 (55.0:45.0)
Z:P - 44:29 (60.3:39.7)
P:T - 34:23 (59.6:40.4)
Terran = 55.0+40.4 = 95.4
Zerg = 45.0+60.3 = 105.3
Protoss = 39.7+59.6 = 99.3
Nostalgia (549전) - 35.6
T:Z - 141:107 (56.9:43.1)
Z:P - 83:71 (53.9:46.1)
P:T - 69:78 (46.9:53.1)
Terran = 56.9+53.1 = 110.0
Zerg = 43.1+53.9 = 97.0
Protoss = 46.1+46.9 = 93.0
Detonation (55전) - 36.2
T:Z - 9:12 (42.9:57.1)
Z:P - 5:6 (45.5:54.5)
P:T - 9:14 (39.1:60.9)
Terran = 42.9+60.9 = 103.8
Zerg = 57.1+45.5 = 102.6
Protoss = 54.5+39.1 = 93.6
Guillotine 통합 (371전) - 41.7
T:Z - 88:83 (51.5:48.5)
Z:P - 67:55 (54.9:45.1)
P:T - 47:31 (60.3:39.7)
Terran = 51.5+39.7 = 91.2
Zerg = 48.5+54.9 = 103.4
Protoss = 45.1+60.3 = 105.4
Rush Hour 통합 (481전) - 49.6
T:Z - 126:97 (56.5:43.5)
Z:P - 84:53 (61.3:38.7)
P:T - 63:58 (52.1:47.9)
Terran = 56.5+47.9 = 104.4
Zerg = 43.5+61.3 = 104.8
Protoss = 38.7+52.1 = 90.8
Bifrost 3 (84전) - 57.0
T:Z - 20:22 (47.6:52.4)
Z:P - 12:8 (60.0:40.0)
P:T - 12:10 (54.5:45.5)
Terran = 47.6+45.5 = 93.1
Zerg = 52.4+60.0 = 112.4
Protoss = 40.0+54.5 = 94.5
Into The Darkness (107전) - 63.2
T:Z - 26:21 (55.3:44.7)
Z:P - 13:16 (44.8:55.2)
P:T - 13:18 (41.9:58.1)
Terran = 55.3+58.1 = 113.4
Zerg = 44.7+44.8 = 89.5
Protoss = 55.2+41.9 = 97.1
R Point (353전) - 64.9
T:Z - 96:58 (62.3:37.7)
Z:P - 47:44 (51.6:48.4)
P:T - 55:53 (50.9:49.1)
Terran = 62.3+49.1 = 111.4
Zerg = 37.7+51.6 = 89.3
Protoss = 48.4+50.9 = 99.3
개마고원 (160전) - 102
T:Z - 43:25 (63.2:36.8)
Z:P - 25:26 (49.0:51.0)
P:T - 19:22 (46.3:53.7)
Terran = 63.2+53.7 = 116.9
Zerg = 36.8+49.0 = 85.8
Protoss = 51.0+46.3 = 97.3
남자이야기 (109전) - 117
T:Z - 24:28 (46.2:53.8)
Z:P - 18:12 (60.0:40.0)
P:T - 15:22 (40.5:59.5)
Terran = 46.2+59.5 = 105.7
Zerg = 53.8+60.0 = 113.8
Protoss = 40.0+40.5 = 80.5
Forte (54전) - 123
T:Z - 10:12 (45.5:54.5)
Z:P - 11:6 (64.7:35.3)
P:T - 8:7 (53.3:46.7)
Terran = 45.5+46.7 = 92.2
Zerg = 54.5+64.7 = 119.2
Protoss = 35.3+53.5 = 88.8
Plains To Hill(etc) (239전) - 126
T:Z - 56:63 (47.1:52.9)
Z:P - 34:34 (50.0:50.0)
P:T - 34:18 (65.4:34.6)
Terran = 47.1+34.6 = 81.7
Zerg = 52.9+50.0 = 102.9
Protoss = 50.0+65.4 = 115.4
Enter The Dragon 통합 (196전) - 128
T:Z - 49:26 (65.3:34.7)
Z:P - 28:31 (47.5:52.5)
P:T - 30:32 (48.4:51.6)
Terran = 65.3+51.6 = 116.9
Zerg = 34.7+47.5 = 82.2
Protoss = 52.5+48.4 = 100.9
Ride of Valkyries (240전) - 131
T:Z - 48:53 (47.5:52.5)
Z:P - 47:23 (67.1:32.9)
P:T - 38:31 (55.1:44.9)
Terran = 47.5+44.9 = 92.4
Zerg = 52.5+67.1 = 119.6
Protoss = 32.9+55.1 = 88.0
신개마고원 (246전) - 145
T:Z - 78:43 (64.5:35.5)
Z:P - 40:24 (62.5:37.5)
P:T - 29:32 (47.5:52.5)
Terran = 64.5+52.5 = 117.0
Zerg = 35.5+62.5 = 98.0
Protoss = 37.5+47.5 = 85.0
Neo Requiem (283전) - 149
T:Z - 53:55 (49.1:50.9)
Z:P - 50:56 (47.2:52.8)
P:T - 46:23 (66.7:33.3)
Terran = 49.1+33.3 = 82.4
Zerg = 50.9+47.2 = 98.1
Protoss = 52.8+66.7 = 119.5
Detonation F (106전) - 155
T:Z - 18:25 (41.9:58.1)
Z:P - 22:14 (61.1:38.9)
P:T - 11:16 (40.7:59.3)
Terran = 41.9+59.3 = 101.2
Zerg = 58.1+61.1 = 119.2
Protoss = 38.9+40.7 = 79.6
Plains To Hill(D) (212전) - 159
T:Z - 60:36 (62.5:37.5)
Z:P - 30:36 (45.5:54.5)
P:T - 20:30 (40.0:60.0)
Terran = 62.5+60.0 =122.5
Zerg = 37.5+45.5 = 83.0
Protoss = 54.5+40.0 = 94.5
Neo Forte (255전) - 161
T:Z - 56:28 (66.7:33.3)
Z:P - 39:48 (44.8:55.2)
P:T - 45:39 (53.6:46.4)
Terran = 66.7+46.4 = 113.3
Zerg = 33.3+44.8 = 78.1
Protoss = 55.2+53.6 = 108.8
Arizona (119전) - 164
T:Z - 37:23 (61.7:38.3)
Z:P - 17:7 (70.8:29.2)
P:T - 19:16 (54.3:45.7)
Terran = 61.7+45.7 = 107.4
Zerg = 38.3+70.8 = 109.1
Protoss = 29.2+54.3 = 83.5
Neo Forbidden Zone (139전) - 170
T:Z - 26:18 (59.1:40.9)
Z:P - 18:18 (50.0:50.0)
P:T - 34:15 (69.4:30.6)
Terran = 59.1+30.6 = 89.7
Zerg = 40.9+50.0 = 90.9
Protoss = 50.0+69.4 = 119.4
Mercury (139전) - 208
T:Z - 27:27 (50.0:50.0)
Z:P - 33:13 (71.7:28.3)
P:T - 21:18 (53.8:46.2)
Terran = 50.0+46.2 = 96.2
Zerg = 50.0+71.7 = 121.7
Protoss = 28.3+53.8 = 82.1
개척시대 (59전) - 240
T:Z - 22:11 (66.7:33.3)
Z:P - 10:5 (66.7:33.3)
P:T - 5:6 (45.5:54.5)
Terran = 66.7+54.5 = 121.2
Zerg = 33.3+66.7 = 100.0
Protoss = 33.3+45.5 = 78.8
Alchemist (44전) - 308
T:Z - 10:7 (58.8:41.2)
Z:P - 8:2 (80.0:20.0)
P:T - 11:6 (64.7:35.3)
Terran = 58.8+35.3 = 94.1
Zerg = 41.2+80.0 = 121.2
Protoss = 20.0+64.7 = 84.7
Raid Assault 통합 (121전) - 384
T:Z - 28:35 (44.4:55.6)
Z:P - 21:10 (67.7:32.3)
P:T - 20:7 (74.1:25.9)
Terran = 44.4+25.9 = 70.3
Zerg = 55.6+67.7 = 123.3
Protoss = 32.3+74.1 = 106.4
Paradoxxx 통합 (49전) - 666
T:Z - 8:9 (47.1:52.9)
Z:P - 1:9 (10.0:90.0)
P:T - 9:13 (40.9:59.1)
Terran = 47.1+59.1 = 106.2
Zerg = 52.9+10.0 = 62.9
Protoss = 90.0+40.9 = 130.9
Terran이 유리한 맵
1. Plains to Hill (D) - 122.5
2. 개척시대 - 121.2
3. 신개마고원 - 117.0
4. Enter the Dragon 통합 - 116.9
개마고원 - 116.9
Zerg가 유리한 맵
1. Raid Assault 통합 - 123.3
2. Mercury - 121.7
3. Alchemist - 121.2
4. Forte - 119.2
5. Detonation F -119.2
Protoss가 유리한 맵
1. Paradoxxx 통합 - 130.9
2. Neo Requiem - 119.5
3. Neo Forbidden zone - 119.4
4. Plains to Hill(etc) - 115.4
5. Into the Darkness II - 109.8
Terran이 어려운 맵
1. Raid Assault 통합 - 70.3
2. Plains to Hill (etc) - 81.7
3. Neo Requiem - 82.4
Zerg가 어려운 맵
1. Paradoxxx 통합 - 62.9
2. Neo Forte - 78.1
3. Enter the Dragon통합 - 82.2
Protoss가 어려운 맵
1. 개척시대 - 78.8
2. Detonation F - 79.6
3. 남자이야기 - 80.5
다전 순위
1. Luna - 859 전
2. Requiem - 623 전
3. Nostalgia - 549 전
4. Rush Hour - 481 전
5. Plains to Hill - 451 전
6. 개마고원 - 406 전
7. Guillotine - 371 전
8. R Point - 353 전
9. JR's Memory - 337 전
10. Forte - 309 전
11. Bifrost - 300 전
12. Into the Darkness - 247 전
13. Ride of Valkyries - 240 전
14. Bladestorm - 239 전
15. Enter the Dragon - 196 전
16. Detonation - 161 전
17. Neo Forbidden Zone - 139 전
Mercury - 139 전
19. 815 - 132 전
20. Raid Assault - 121 전
21. Arizona - 119 전
22. 남자 이야기 - 109 전
23. Parallel Lines - 92 전
24. 개척시대 - 59 전
25. Paradoxxx - 49 전
26. Alchemist - 44 전
통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용
"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."